BatB 69 – Dan’s SOP Report Results, BatB AI Experiment, RIP Pops, IBA Seal Collateral

The Boss and the Brewer
The Boss and the Brewer
BatB 69 - Dan's SOP Report Results, BatB AI Experiment, RIP Pops, IBA Seal Collateral


12 questions

Matthew Bennetts – “Hendo, have you heard about this new German powder like substance that you mix up in the old blender and have a so called “beer”? Is it possible or does Channel 7 lie… I know Germans know beer but is this just bullshit?” – 

Paul James “Question: I was at my local bottle shop today and noticed the stone and wood recalled beer was still on the shelf and on special. 

I talked to my mate behind the counter about the recall. He said lion issues stickers to put on the cans. Sure enough, sticker (No photo sorry). How does this sit with the recall protocol Steve Hendo talked about this week?”

12 Questions Thread – 

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