- Dan sells his monkey’s donut by accident
- AIBA update from Hendo – AIBA turns 30 https://craftypint.com/news/3144/the-australian-international-beer-awards-at-30
- Black Flag situation and outcome if Hendo wants to talk about it
- Fortitude and Big Shed Product Recalls – https://brewsnews.com.au/product-recall-big-shed-brewing-mango-sour/
- BH, Stalwart and Two Mates both selling Pilot Brewkits – https://brewsnews.com.au/pilot-system-for-sale/
- GABS Sydney Brewer’s Collective dinner https://www.beerandbrewer.com/gabs-launches-international-brewers-collective-event/
- Food costs up 10%, inflation 7%, how much is beer up? People moving to white label products https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-23/supermarket-prices-increase-coles-woolworths-inflation/102380456
Other notes:
Taki Moore – https://milliondollarcoach.com/
Dan’s new podcast Yarn Solo.

Hendo Reacts
12 questions