BatB #47 – CBCo, skilled workers, Chuck Hahn, Scooters, F1, Grodziskie update

The Boss and the Brewer
The Boss and the Brewer
BatB #47 - CBCo, skilled workers, Chuck Hahn, Scooters, F1, Grodziskie update

  1. Colonial Brewing Co rebrands to CBCo – Previous article 
  2. IBA update “We are trying to have brewers listed on the skilled migrant occupation list. This is not a quick process but we’re working on it. In the meantime, if you are looking to bring skills into the country please let me know as I can help out with letters of support, advice on some of the occupations that are on the list that may be appropriate and guidance on international recruitment specialists. ” – article 
  3. Chuck Hahn retires from Lion
  4. Grodz event
  5. QABC Notes: –
  6. French Fker Hop –