- Mighty Craft Results – https://theshout.com.au/another-year-of-record-sales-growth-for-mighty-craft/
- $63m revenue – $6.3m loss (10%) (adjusted for a lot of things, actual $11.6m almost 20%)
- “FY22 saw Torquay Beverage Company launch Better Beer with the Inspired Unemployed, which delivered $19m of sales and sold 4.3m litres since its launch in October 2021.”
- “As mentioned, we have engaged Moelis Australian to facilitate a review of the company’s strategic options. We have two emerging segments in the business and both these businesses require different levels of investment over different timeframes. We are firmly of the view that the current market capitalisation doesn’t reflect the intrinsic value of the brands, and believe the time is right to commission the strategic review.”
- Link to presentation – https://wcsecure.weblink.com.au/pdf/MCL/02561809.pdf
- Adelaide Hills revenue $18.2m, Profit $3.4m (They paid $47m, forecast FY22 profit of $6m) – Mighty Craft’s entire market cap is $49m.
- Share price in June 2021 37c, now 15c – market cap $121m
- Behemoth NZ Crowdfunding – https://www.snowballeffect.co.nz/offers/preview/behemoth-8wsc7
- 370 people opted in
- $3m goal
- $11m revenue
- Raised last year
- Raised July 2019 $1.8m (or $2m? Confusing – 627 investors – https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/investments/360-behemoth-brewing
- Projection in 2019 – 2022 Revenue $12.5m, Profit $2.25m
- Projection in 2021 – 2022 Revenue $13.4m Profit $2.6m 5% Dividends by FY24
- XXXX to upgrade for Seltzer – https://www.brewsnews.com.au/2022/08/29/5m-xxxx-seltzer-investment/
- Coles results – more own brand and more local https://www.brewsnews.com.au/2022/08/26/coles-liquor-focuses-on-local-as-sales-grow/
- Eagle Bay Beer Recalled By Woolies / Coles Recall – https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/woolworths-coles-recall-popular-eagle-bay-brewing-company-beer-c-8025186
- BOC invests in Co2 facility – https://www.brewsnews.com.au/2022/08/31/boc-invests-in-co2-facility/