- Dickheads in the coffee industry.
- Boss Hunting – The business of beer: Australia’s once booming craft industry is now on life support https://www.bosshunting.com.au/lifestyle/drink/the-business-of-beer/ “66 per cent of Lethbridge’s members, of which there are more than 450, said they feared their business would not survive the current economic downturn — craft beer sales are down 25 per cent on the previous 12 months.”, “Quite simply, we won’t have a craft beer industry in 12 months if something is not done and that’s why we’re asking the Government, ‘Do you want a beer industry, do you want to keep these jobs, many of which are in rural and regional areas?’” & “And if the current landscape wasn’t stressful enough, the independents also have the Queensland government-assisted Suntory facility opening this year, possibly presenting an additional threat. The project promises 160 long-term jobs — a number that Young Henry’s and Mountain Culture employ collectively.”
- The Mill to relocate to Bendigo Hotel – https://www.instagram.com/p/C88_jxNP74W/?igsh=OWhpMjluOG9kbWxq
- Moondog collab with G Flip to make Alcoholic Juice – https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=857123479795028&id=100064921500131&mibextid=NoJtEM&rdid=F6T4AHYRtaHsah9G
- La Petit Rocher’s Belgo-Brisbane Beer – https://craftypint.com/news/3495/la-petit-rochers-belgo-brisbane-beer
- Mighty Craft Managing Director to step down, again – https://theshout.com.au/mighty-craft-managing-director-to-step-down/
- Dutch trading co to close – https://craftypint.com/news/3505/perths-pioneering-dutch-trading-co-to-close
- Mid year wrap up – https://craftypint.com/news/3500/2024-mid-year-report-shift-happens
Hendo Reacts
- HR1 – Coops https://www.facebook.com/share/r/UtM1Tqoa2wUxyJTi/?mibextid=qDwCgo
- HR2 Steven keegle https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7T9caYtmjz/?igsh=MWRybG9jNTN0dHloeg==
- HR3 https://www.instagram.com/p/C8_kqk9NyS1/?igsh=MWJpcm5yeHBhZGEwcw==
12 questions