BatB 105 – IBA Cancels Good Beer Week….. Again, Crafty Pint Year in Beer, Birchal Back on Birchal

The Boss and the Brewer
The Boss and the Brewer
BatB 105 - IBA Cancels Good Beer Week….. Again, Crafty Pint Year in Beer, Birchal Back on Birchal


  1. Adambier update 
  2. Crafty Pint 2023 Year in Beer – “2023 has proven to be by far the toughest for the beer and hospo world in the 13-plus years we’ve been covering it on The Crafty Pint.” “expect to see more voluntary administrations, sales, consolidation and closures in the year ahead.” on VAs “ big and small, and other creditors who have been weathering losses too. And that can and will have a knock-on impact beyond those businesses themselves, for example then it comes the terms or prices they have to impose on their other customers.”
  3. ABAC Guide for Digital Marketing – – Full guide here – “o actively selecting interests or keywords that are weighted towards adults (e.g. insurance)” “UGC within digital platforms controlled by alcohol and alcohol alternative marketers (including UGC shared or endorsed by an alcohol marketer or a brand tag that results in a post appearing on the marketer’s account) is within the scope of the ABAC Code (refer Part 1).” Point 13 on influencers is worth discussing. 
  4. The best influencer beers – 
  5. Good Beer Week Canceled Again – 
  6. Birchal Capital Raise –  

Hendo Reacts

12 questions

Extra notes

Capitano in Carlton Klaus ftw