- Mighty Craft Grift Continues – https://www.mightycraft.com.au/investor/
- They currently have no Chairman after the current one didn’t get voted back in.
- Share price sitting at 1c, under $5m market cap.
- They’ve hired a New MD – getting paid $32k / month. Not the same person as the interim CEO. See announcement https://wcsecure.weblink.com.au/pdf/MCL/02739036.pdf
- FY revenue – $82.5m
- FY profit – who knows based on their ‘EBITDA’ and ‘Underlying EBITDA’ being more or less made up numbers. According to the update $6m loss in ‘Underlying EBITDA’. $3.7m in bank, explains a 6 month contract for an MD, that might be as long as they can drag it out for.
- Trying to sell Better Beer or Spirits business.
- Everything across the portfolio is down. Better Beer up for the year but down for the quarter so possibly trending downwards as well.
- Speaking of grifts – ABAC update and Hard Solo is dead – https://brewsnews.com.au/hard-solo-to-be-renamed-hard-rated/ & https://brewsnews.com.au/abac-rules-hard-solo-appeals-to-minors/
- Jetty Road sale – https://craftypint.com/news/3290/former-cub-boss-leads-group-buying-jetty-road-from-mighty-craft
- Crafty Pint looking for influencer beers – should we nominate Adambier? https://craftypint.com/news/3287/help-us-get-blind-influencer-beers
- Brewski turns 10 – https://craftypint.com/news/3288/brewski-ten-lessons-from-ten-years
- Bye bye sierra nevada – https://www.beerandbrewer.com/sierra-nevadas-local-availability-to-be-heavily-reduced/
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